Thursday, January 31, 2013

Goal Setting

In 1953 a group of students from Yale University were asked the following questions: Have you set goals? Have you written them down? Do you have a plan to accomplish them?

·         84% of the students had no defined goal
·         13% had set goals but had not written them down
·         3% had written their goals down and also had a plan of action.

20 years later, researchers tracked the progress those students had made in their lives, and the differences were striking.

·         13% who had set goals but had not written them down were earning twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all.
·         The 3% who had written their goals down were earning ten times as much as the remaining 97% 

Setting goals makes us direct our actions and efforts towards what we want, helps our brains develop strategies to achieve them, and encourage us to stay motivated and be persistent.

The middle of the school year is an excellent time to think about your goals.

(This information and more from Francisco Sáez on his blog at


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A WHMS Cobra Refresher

We were recently cleaning out the shelves in guidance when we came across this great check list from the Hot Shot Cobras.  Who are the Hot Shot Cobras?  They were a 7th grade team last year.  They created this list for incoming 7th graders but it is a great refresher for all students.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

February Vacation Events at the Cranston Library

The Cranston Central Library has some great events for February Vacation Week.  Below are a few examples but check out their website for more options.

Friday, February 15, 2013
3:30 to 4:45 Date it or hate it! Try this new and exciting way to find a book you might like to read! As cool music plays, spend a few minutes with a book. When the music stops, quickly rate the book and go on to the next date. It's fast, fabulous fun! Take a chance, you just might fall in love, with a book that is!  Munch on party food as you vie for Valentine-themed prizes in fun competitions. Bring your favorite book, if you wish, and try to set-up other teens on a blind date with your book.  If you succeed, you will win fun prizes. This program is open to those in grades 6 to 12. Call 943-9080 X 121 to register, or for more information

Thursday, February 21, 2013
3:00 – 4:30 Teen Iron Chef Challenge – Take the challenge and combine the ingredients into an original and delicious creation.  The library supplies the ingredients.  You supply the imagination and Creativity.  No cooking experience required.  If you do not want to compete, no problem, come sample the creations and vote for your favorite.  Prizes will be awarded to the team voted the favorite by the judges.  For grades 5 and up.  Call 943-9080 X121 for information or to register for this special February School Vacation Program.

Friday, February 22, 2013
2:00 – 4:00 Frankenweenie - From Disney and creative genius Tim Burton comes the hilarious and offbeat Frankenweenie, a heartwarming tale about a boy and his dog. After unexpectedly losing his beloved dog Sparky, young Victor harnesses the power of science to bring his best friend back to life - with just a few minor adjustments. He tries to hide his home-sewn creation, but when Sparky gets out, Victor's fellow students, teachers and the entire town learn that getting a new 'leash on life' can be monstrous. Frankenweenie is alive with enchanting fun for the whole family in eye-popping Blu-ray. The MPAA rating for this film is PG. Free admission. Free snacks!   

Monday, January 28, 2013

Quarter 2 Report Cards

Western Hills Middle School Report Cards are coming out on Friday, February 1st. 
If you are having difficulty in any of your subjects now is the time to make some positive changes:
  • ·         Talk with the teacher about your grades
  • ·         If extra help after school is offered take advantage of it
  • ·         Take time to organize your planner and write assignments down in each class
  • ·         Log into the Aspen system to see if you have any missing assignments

NEL-CPS Charter School Visit for 8th Graders

Attention Grade 8 Students:  A representative from the NEL-CPS Construction and Career Academy will be coming to Western Hills on Wednesday, February 6, 2013. The Charter School is another high school option for students in the Cranston Public Schools.  If you'd like to learn more about the school, sign up for the presentation in the guidance office 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Upcoming WHMS Events

  • SWITCHEROO DAY is THIS FRIDAY, teachers will dress as students and students will dress as teachers.  Regular and appropriate dress code applies for all!

  • DON'T BE LEFT OUT of this year's dodge-ball tournament! Entry forms are in the GYM.  Speak to your PE Teacher.  The tournament will run from Wednesday, January 30th- Friday February 1, 2013 after school until approximately 3:40 p.m.  Students must be eligible based on their 2nd quarter report card to participate.

  • Beginning Wednesday, January 23rd, students can sign-up for intramural floor hockey, weight training, Ping Pong, Indoor Soccer and 3-3 Basketball.  See your PE teacher for more information.   Students must be eligible based on their 2nd quarter report card to participate.

  • The winter band and chorus concert will be on February 13, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. at Cranston High School West

Friday, January 18, 2013

CLCF Baseball Registration

Registration for the 2012 Spring Season of CLCF Baseball has started.  Walk in registration will take place at the CLCF Building, 970 Pontiac Avenue  Cranston, RI 02920, on the following dates and times:
  • Jaunary 18th (6-8pm) and the 19th (9am-1pm)
  • February 8th (6-8pm) and the 9th (9am-1pm)
More information at

Grades Close January 24th


 How are you doing this quarter?   Grades close January 24th.  Report cards will be distributed on Friday, February 1, 2013.

If you are missing any assignments or have to make up tests or quizes (due to absence, etc.), check with your teachers and complete all work before the 24th. 

If you need extra help in completing your assignments, arrange a time after school to meet with your teacher(s).

Just a reminder - your school counselor in guidance can help with organizational skills, time management and study skills.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Been Absent?

Being absent from school can put you behind in your work.  Here are some tips to help you catch up if you've been out of school:
  • Make sure your have a "Study Buddy" from your team - give them a call or send an email to find out what you may have missed in your classes.  This is a great way to keep up if you've been out for one or two days.
  • If you miss three (3) or more days of school have a parent contact the Guidance Office to request class assignments.  (401) 270-8033
  • Many of your teachers may have their own "Homework Blogs."  Be sure to check those when you are absent.
  • When you return to school be sure to check with ALL of your teachers regarding makeup work. 
  • Some assignments cannot be completed without instruction from the teacher.  Make arrangements to stay after school for extra help when you return.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Cold and Flu Season

Cold and Flu Season is in full swing here at Western Hills Middle School.  Here's a few tips to help keep you healthy:

1.  Drink Plenty of Fluids.
2.  Get Plenty of Rest.
3.  Dress Warmly
4.  Wash Your Hands Regularly.
5.  Try Taking a Brisk Walk.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Attention all 8th grade students

All  students that have applied to Hendricken and LaSalle; your applications have been sent.  They should arrive to perspective schools by the beginning of next week.  Bayview applications have not been sent to Western Hills as of today.  Mrs. Stewart contacted Bayview and they will be fowarded over to WHMS as soon as possible.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Interest Inventories

Instead of trying to decide on exactly what you want to be when you grow up, start thinking about your likes, dislikes, and interested and how they might influence your career choices.

Have you ever heard of interest inventories?  They are short surveys that help you discover your interests and abilities.  There are many free interest inventories on the Internet.  One of the best is located at

Take the Interest Profiler on the front page of the website. 

WayToGoRI will require that you sign up for a free account. This is an incredibly useful website that will help you navigate educational planning from middle school through high school and on to college.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Beating the Post Vacation Study Blues

1. Look for the Sunshine

Exposure to sunlight will definitely brighten your mood. If you can't get outside be sure to sit near a window during the brightest parts of the day.

2. Eat Well

Seek out fresh foods and vegetables during the winter months.  They will boost your energy and keep your mind and body alert.

3. Use Music

Try using music during your study routine.  Choose upbeat, energetic music during the dark winter months.  If you find that the music is distracting try taking music breaks for ten minutes.  Get up and dance.

4. Exercise

Physical activity is crucial to keeping the brain sharp and focused. Outdoor exercise in the sun would be great if the weather cooperates but think of a routine you can do in the house in case you can not get outside.

5. Form a Study Group

Working with other classmates on school work and homework can energizer your study routine.  Working in a group can help build community and social interactions but be sure to keep the focus on the academics.