Thursday, January 17, 2013

Been Absent?

Being absent from school can put you behind in your work.  Here are some tips to help you catch up if you've been out of school:
  • Make sure your have a "Study Buddy" from your team - give them a call or send an email to find out what you may have missed in your classes.  This is a great way to keep up if you've been out for one or two days.
  • If you miss three (3) or more days of school have a parent contact the Guidance Office to request class assignments.  (401) 270-8033
  • Many of your teachers may have their own "Homework Blogs."  Be sure to check those when you are absent.
  • When you return to school be sure to check with ALL of your teachers regarding makeup work. 
  • Some assignments cannot be completed without instruction from the teacher.  Make arrangements to stay after school for extra help when you return.

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