Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Beating the Post Vacation Study Blues

1. Look for the Sunshine

Exposure to sunlight will definitely brighten your mood. If you can't get outside be sure to sit near a window during the brightest parts of the day.

2. Eat Well

Seek out fresh foods and vegetables during the winter months.  They will boost your energy and keep your mind and body alert.

3. Use Music

Try using music during your study routine.  Choose upbeat, energetic music during the dark winter months.  If you find that the music is distracting try taking music breaks for ten minutes.  Get up and dance.

4. Exercise

Physical activity is crucial to keeping the brain sharp and focused. Outdoor exercise in the sun would be great if the weather cooperates but think of a routine you can do in the house in case you can not get outside.

5. Form a Study Group

Working with other classmates on school work and homework can energizer your study routine.  Working in a group can help build community and social interactions but be sure to keep the focus on the academics.

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