Thursday, February 28, 2013

Halfway Through Quarter 3

Believe it or not we are halfway through Quarter Three.  If you think you may get a bad report in any of your classes you may want to try some of these tips:

Meet with Your Teacher. - Teachers stay after school for extra help all the time.  Ask your teacher when you can stay for extra help.  During your visit, ask about good tips on mastering the material and how to prepare for tests.

Study Every Day. - Students who make A’s spend time on their studies each day. Stay on top of your courses and don’t get behind on your reading, assignments, papers, etc. Review your notes within 24 hours of taking them to head off forgetting and to clarify them so they will have more meaning when you study for tests.

Write It Down. - It’s up to you to remember due dates for assignments and test dates. Your Western Hills Middle School Planner is great for organizing your life. Record all the important dates (including exams, paper deadlines, and other assignments).  If you've lost your planner you can purchase one in the Main Office for $3.00

9th Grade Scheduling

The following are dates/times guidance will be scheduling 8th grade students for their 9th grade electives.  Please come to the library when your class is called prepared to choose your courses.

Thursday, February 28th, periods 6, 7, 2, 3     Warriors Team and Denominators Team

Friday, March 1st, periods 6, 7, 2, 3, 4             Extreme Team and Thunderbirds Team

If you are absent when your team is called, the guidance staff will meet with you at a later date.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Upcoming Events at WHMS

TIE-DYE day at WHMS will be this Friday, March 1. Students and teachers will be wearing their tie-dye t-shirt, socks, pants.  All school dress code rules still apply.

The school dance has been rescheduled for March 15, 2013.  Students who purchased a ticket for the previous dance will simply need to let their homeroom teacher know that they will be attending the dance on the 15th.  If a student is not able to attend the dance, they need to speak with Ms. G. about a credit for the April dance, 8th grade dance, or return of their money.  Ms. G. can be reached via email at

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

8th Graders - Charter School Open House

Any 8th grade students interested in the Charter School should attend this open house with their parents.  The open house will be on Tuesday, March 5th at 6:00 pm at the Charter School.  Call Mr. Pecorelli at 401-270-8692 for more details.

Friday, February 15, 2013

February Vacation Ideas: RISD Musuem Vacation Week

February Vacation Week at the RISD Museum of Art kicks off on Saturday, February 16, 2013

Free for all ages - Enjoy a wide variety of classes and programs for all ages – from special workshops and studios, to demonstrations with RISD students and experiments with contemporary artists. Visit the online calendar for details:   RISD Museum - 224 Benefit St  Providence, RI 02903 - (401)454-6500

For more information on this program as well as many others take a look at the KidoInfo Events for February 2013 page.

9th Grade Program of Studies

The Cranston High School Program of Studies contains classes for all levels.  This can be confusing when you are just looking for the classes that you can take in grade 9.  Wouldn't life be so much easier with a 9th Grade Program of Studies?

Use the above .pdf link to read just the courses applicable to 9th grade students.  This will help make the high school course selection process much easier. The file is hosted by zippyshare.  Just click the big download now button on the right hand side of the screen.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

8th Pink Course Selection Sheets for High School

Those pink scheduling sheets can be a bit confusing.  Mr. Zolli the team leader of the Dominators has simplified the process on his blog.  Here are is fast tips for completing the form.

The number of total credits is different for each student. Each student must have 7 credits for each school year.

If you look under your recommended courses you will see a number. This number must be subtracted from 7 to provide you with the total number of credits needed to fulfill the total of 7 credits.
Ex. If your recommended courses are 5.5 then you will have to choose up to 1.5 of electives.

  • Electives on the back.
  • Language counts as 1 full credit. If you think you are going to go to college you are required or recommended to take 3 years of a language.
  • Any class that has an M next to it is a .5 elective class.
  • In order to graduate you need to have .5 credits in computers and also .5 credits in Art and or music.
                            604M - This is a new technology class that would fit into this category.

TONIGHT! Please go into CPSED.NET
  1. At the top border where it says student above the moving pictures
  2. under student in the drop down menu select program of studies high school programs of study. 
  3. you can click on the electives and see a description of each class that will inform you of what the class is like and what it entails. 

Here is the link

  • You cannot lose this form. 
  • Your parents have to sign this and you have to sign this once this is completed.
  • It must be completed by all students even if you are not going to west next year.

  • You will be going over this form with a member of guidance after Vacation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

February Vacation Ideas: Providence Children's Film Festival

 The Providence Children’s Film Festival (PCFF)  the only international film festival in New England dedicated to showing films for children, teens and families, is coming back bigger and better than ever for President’s Day Weekend, February 14-19, 2013 at three locations in downtown Providence.

The festival is 6 big days of high-quality non-commercial films geared to children and youth ages 3-18. The festival includes Q&A and filmmaker discussions as well as filmmaking workshops. A rigorous jury of both adults and kids selects films, insuring that the lineup appeals to young viewers and at the same time receives parental approval.

(Synopsis from GoLocalProv)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tonight: Scheduling Information Night CHSW

TONIGHT:  Here's the flyer for the Cranston West Scheduling Information Night for 8th grade students and their parents.  Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 6:00.  If have any questions about transitioning to the high school here's where you'll get the answers.

Friday, February 8, 2013

National School Counselor Week

Today is the final day of “National School Counseling Week.” Our final message focuses on positive change.

A famous author once said “nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”  By making the right choices, being motivated and persistent you have the power to positively change your world
Thanks to all the students and staff for helping to make this a great week.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cranston West Scheduling Information Night

Here's the flyer for the Cranston West Scheduling Information Night for 8th grade students and their parents.  Tuesday, February 12, 2013 at 6:00.  If have any questions about transitioning to the high school here's where you'll get the answers.

National School Counseling Week

Today is the fourth day of “National School Counseling Week.” Our message today is about acting with compassion. Aesop, the famous storyteller, once said, “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

Remember: It’s the random acts of kindness that often can make the biggest difference in a person’s life. As your school counselors we can help you deal with the challenges you face and help point you in the right direction.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Today is the third day of “National School Counseling Week.” Today’s message is about developing the right habits that point you in the right direction.

Think about the choices you make every day. Are you on the right path? Are you doing the things that will help you succeed in school? Are you going to class, doing your homework, listening to your teachers, getting rest and exercise? Are you maintaining a healthy lifestyle?

These things are critical to your future success.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Today is the second day of “National School Counseling Week.” The message today is about having a positive attitude and how that attitude can shape your future.

A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. To use Thomas Edison’s words; “it is a catalyst, a spark that creates extraordinary results.”  As your school counselors we are here to help you find your spark.

Monday, February 4, 2013

National School Counseling Week

Today is the first day of “National School Counseling Week.” This week we will talk about how you can be responsible for your own learning and behavior here at school and at home.

It’s not always easy to be responsible. Every day there are distractions and roadblocks — tough classes, peer pressure, friendship problems, social media, family concerns and more. Your School Counselor can help you overcome these obstacles to reach your full potential and learn how to be responsible for your learning and your life. Stop by guidance if you need someone to talk to.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Report Card Distribution

Report cards come out today!  Get it signed this weekend so you can return it to your homeroom teacher on Monday.