Thursday, February 14, 2013

8th Pink Course Selection Sheets for High School

Those pink scheduling sheets can be a bit confusing.  Mr. Zolli the team leader of the Dominators has simplified the process on his blog.  Here are is fast tips for completing the form.

The number of total credits is different for each student. Each student must have 7 credits for each school year.

If you look under your recommended courses you will see a number. This number must be subtracted from 7 to provide you with the total number of credits needed to fulfill the total of 7 credits.
Ex. If your recommended courses are 5.5 then you will have to choose up to 1.5 of electives.

  • Electives on the back.
  • Language counts as 1 full credit. If you think you are going to go to college you are required or recommended to take 3 years of a language.
  • Any class that has an M next to it is a .5 elective class.
  • In order to graduate you need to have .5 credits in computers and also .5 credits in Art and or music.
                            604M - This is a new technology class that would fit into this category.

TONIGHT! Please go into CPSED.NET
  1. At the top border where it says student above the moving pictures
  2. under student in the drop down menu select program of studies high school programs of study. 
  3. you can click on the electives and see a description of each class that will inform you of what the class is like and what it entails. 

Here is the link

  • You cannot lose this form. 
  • Your parents have to sign this and you have to sign this once this is completed.
  • It must be completed by all students even if you are not going to west next year.

  • You will be going over this form with a member of guidance after Vacation.

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