Thursday, February 28, 2013

Halfway Through Quarter 3

Believe it or not we are halfway through Quarter Three.  If you think you may get a bad report in any of your classes you may want to try some of these tips:

Meet with Your Teacher. - Teachers stay after school for extra help all the time.  Ask your teacher when you can stay for extra help.  During your visit, ask about good tips on mastering the material and how to prepare for tests.

Study Every Day. - Students who make A’s spend time on their studies each day. Stay on top of your courses and don’t get behind on your reading, assignments, papers, etc. Review your notes within 24 hours of taking them to head off forgetting and to clarify them so they will have more meaning when you study for tests.

Write It Down. - It’s up to you to remember due dates for assignments and test dates. Your Western Hills Middle School Planner is great for organizing your life. Record all the important dates (including exams, paper deadlines, and other assignments).  If you've lost your planner you can purchase one in the Main Office for $3.00

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