Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tackling Test Questions!

At the start of the test:  Read the entire test when you first sit down.  Sometimes one question will give you a hint to the answer of another question.  If the test requires you to use formulas or other things you had to memorize jot them down on the back of a test or a piece of scrap paper right at the beginning.  This way you can refer to it throughout the time allotted.

Multiple choice: Read all the answers before marking your choice. Remember, your first instinct is usually best-so don't change your answers unless you're sure.

True/false: Look for words such as never, always, all and none. They're usually in false answer. Words like may or often are generally found in true answers.

Essay: Read essay questions at least twice. Then, make a list of important thoughts, or key points, about questions before writing your essay. Read through the finished essay to be sure you've included all your key points. Check spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.

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