Friday, December 7, 2012

Relaxation Techniques

If you find yourself getting anxious about an upcoming test or class presentation, one or more of the following relaxation techniques may be helpful:

1)  Deep breathing - Slowly take several deep breaths (in through your nose, out through your mouth) to enable you to calm yourself down.

2)  Counting (forwards or backwards)  -  Can be done with your eyes open or closed.  You can also combine this technique with the deep breathing technique above.

3)  Visualization  -  (Before a test):  Imagine yourself doing something that is relaxing for you or imagine yourself in a place that is relaxing/enjoyable (laying on the beach, listening to the waves, feeling the sun beating down on you, etc.).  (Before a presentation):  You can try the previous visualization technique or imagine yourself actually giving the presentation successfully.  (It also helps to practice in front of someone you feel comfortable with and/or actually going to the room before your presentation and visualizing yourself giving the presentation.)

4)  Self talk  -  Giving yourself a pep talk before the test.  Telling yourself that you are ready for the test and will do well because you studied/prepared and are confident that you know the material (similar to what a coach does with his/her team before a game).

Good luck!

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