Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Strategies for Responsible Internet Usage

Think twice before you act impulsively online.  This impulsivity combined with online anonymity could lead toward dangerous behaviors: cyberbullying, inappropriate photo or video uploads, illegal downloads, meeting strangers - even cheating.  Online interactions can become pretty intense - whether you are playing games, chatting with friends, or sharing work.

You are creating a digital footprint that can last a long time in cyberspace.  Things you post can be forwarded by others and viewed by anonymous audiences.  Remember to think twice before you post anything online.

The following strategies will help to keep you safe and responsible : 

* Visit age appropriate sites .

* Minimize chatting with strangers.   People aren't always who they say they
   are on the Internet.

* Think critically about what you find online.  Not everything you read and
   see online is true.

* If you wouldn't do it in real life, you shouldn't do it online.   Don't say
   mean things and don't cheat in games or at school.     

* Have rules about time and place.   Discuss limits with your parents and 
   agree on appropriate times to use the Internet....not while doing homework.

* Agree on downloads.  What music is okay?  Which video sites?  If you
   need to buy something online, your parents should be involved.

* Think about privacy.  When you post something online, you lose control of
   it.  It can be cut and pasted and sent around the Web.  Discuss privacy
   settings with your parents and use them.

* Report inappriopriate behavior.  If anything suspicious, mean, or scary
   happens, you need to tell a trusted adult ASAP.


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