Friday, May 17, 2013

Math Success

Tips for Math Success

Tip #9:  Do you know what the calculator is doing?  Using the calculator is a good way to get the answer but in order to understand the problem you need to know what the calculator is doing. give a great example "if the teacher asks for “the square of negative three,” many students will type in “-3^2” which gives the answer “-9.” But the real answer is “(-3)^2”, or 9. Students should play around with their calculators and become familiar with the way they work."

Tip #10:  How well do you know Algebra?  These skills are crucial to later math courses in high school.  Some of you may be taking Algebra I now but how well do you actually know the material?  If your grade is in the C range or below you should really consider taking Algebra I again in Grade 9.  The skills you will gain will benefit you through high school and well into college.

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