Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Keeping Motivated in Quarter 4

Each day is feeling more and more like spring.  As the weather gets warmer you may notice that you begin to feel sluggish in school and have difficulty concentrating or staying motivated in the classroom. There’s still one more quarter left of the school year so it is crucial that you keep focused and finish the school year on a strong note.  Try using these hints found at Currents Magazine

Get back to the routine – When the weekdays get hectic with soccer practices and piano lessons, it’s very easy to get away from the daily schedule. Even if the rules have been lax lately, now is the time to reinforce the bedtime ritual and encourage healthy eating habits again. Make sure you get enough rest each night and save sweets for parties and special occasions.

Be prepared – Take time to pick out clothes, pack lunches, and make sure all papers are signed and homework is completed the night before. A few minutes of preparation will help make the mornings a little less stressful for everyone.

Create a homework space – Create a specific spot to complete assignments every day. Whether it’s the kitchen table or your room, make sure the area has sufficient light and is comfortable. Also, have plenty of supplies on hand like pencils, paper, scissors and crayons. Utilize a folder to keep papers organized. It’s also helpful to create a calendar to manage due dates of long term assignments. Designate a time each day to do homework and try and stick to the schedule whenever possible.

Limit screen time – Too much time in front of the computer or television can make you tired and not focused on completing tasks. During the school week, maintain a schedule of homework, after school activities, and spending time with family and friends. Save the screen time for weekends or holidays.

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