Friday, March 1, 2013

Quarter 3 Progress Reports

Here are some more tips to help you improve your Quarter 3 Grades.

Use Flash Cards. - Flashcards are not just for Elementary School. Use them for definitions, key words from your notes, formulas for Science and Math, dates for Social Studies, foreign language phrases, etc. On one side, write the question and on the other, the answers. You can review flashcards any where;  perfect for the busy teenager.

Pick The Best Study Location - Find a place with few distractions. Let your friends and family members know that it is important that you are not disturbed while in the study zone

Memorize and Understand. - Face it, you’ll probably need to memorize a certain amount of information many of your classes. The key for you will be to remember and understand what you memorize. Generate examples, create mnemonics, make summary notes, identify key words, and self-test to master the material.  Check out for some tips other students have mastered to memorize.

Thanks to for the idea for this blog post.

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