Thursday, March 7, 2013

9th Grade Scheduling

School counselors have met with all teams to assist students with scheduling their elective courses for 9th grade.  If you were absent on the day your team was called or you had not returned your signed pink course selection sheet, you will be called to the guidance office to meet individually with one of the school counselors.

If your parents or teachers wish to change one of the major courses that were originally recommended on your course selection sheet, you must have them complete and sign the purple course override form and return it to the guidance office.  (Override forms are available in guidance.)

CHSW course descriptions are available on our school counseling blog. -

You must return your pink course selection sheet (signed by you and your parent) ASAP to ensure that you are able to shedule your first choice courses.  If you have any questions, please speak with your school counselor.

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