Thursday, January 31, 2013

Goal Setting

In 1953 a group of students from Yale University were asked the following questions: Have you set goals? Have you written them down? Do you have a plan to accomplish them?

·         84% of the students had no defined goal
·         13% had set goals but had not written them down
·         3% had written their goals down and also had a plan of action.

20 years later, researchers tracked the progress those students had made in their lives, and the differences were striking.

·         13% who had set goals but had not written them down were earning twice as much as the 84% who had no goals at all.
·         The 3% who had written their goals down were earning ten times as much as the remaining 97% 

Setting goals makes us direct our actions and efforts towards what we want, helps our brains develop strategies to achieve them, and encourage us to stay motivated and be persistent.

The middle of the school year is an excellent time to think about your goals.

(This information and more from Francisco Sáez on his blog at


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