Monday, December 17, 2012

Dirty Locker? Clean it up!

If you team is planning a locker clean-out before vacation take full advantage of the time:

Take out everything you have in your locker. Organize these things into three piles:

  1. Everything you are keeping in your locker
  2. A trash pile
  3. A pile for things that you want to take home or have to turn in

Throw the trash pile away, and take care of the things you want to take home or turn in. Then sort the items you want to keep in your locker into groups again. Books, clothes, hygiene products, jewelry, and any other groups that you think are necessary.

Go through your locker every few weeks and purge of any old work, clutter and items to take home. This will prevent a build up of clutter and make it easier to find things. You can also take a few minutes every week to tidy up.
 A few more ideas are available on this site:

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