Friday, February 14, 2014

Study Skills Tune Up

Having a little trouble in one or more of your classes?  It may be your study habits need a little tune up.  Take this simple test and your guidance counselor will make an appointment with you to discuss the results.  We'll give you specific strategies based on your needs.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

National School Counseling Week - Day 2

Today is the second day of National School Counseling Week.  The message today is about how a positive attitude can help you in building your future.

Many things can get you down; hard classes, friendship troubles, family problems and not understainding where you fit in.  When you're faced with tough times, it is very easy to lose focus and become distracted by the present.  The future seeoms so far away, bit it is not.

You have more control over your future that you think.  As your school counselors, we are here to help steer you in the right direction, to help you build your own magical future.

Monday, February 3, 2014

National School Counseling Week - Day 1

Today is the first day of National School Counseling Week.  Our focus for the week is “Building Magical Futures.”  
This week, we will talk about how you can build your future and make it magical in the process. It starts with setting a goal for where you want to be and steadily working toward that goal.

What are your goals? What is standing in your way?
Our job as school counselor is to help you look into the future and help you deal with the obstacles that stand in your way so you can be successful in reaching your full potential. 
Stop by the guidance office and talk to us soon.