Monday, September 30, 2013

  • Sign-Ups for Flag football will begin on September 26th and run through October 4.  Students must see their PE teacher for a permission slip.  Intramural flag football will run from 2:30 to 3:30 on Wednesdays and Thursdays.   We will begin on Oct 9th and end on Nov. 7th.  Intramurals are FREE.
  • There will be a meeting for anyone interested in writing for the school newspaper on Wednesday October 2, 2013 in room 227.  This is open to any 7th and 8th grade student.  You must have a ride home by 3:00 p.m.
  • Any student who is interested in joining Project Respect, the first meeting will be on Wednesday October 2nd in room 228.  Students must have a ride home at 3:15.  
  • Any student, 7th or 8th grade, who is interested in Science Olympiad, please see Mr. Gamba in room 108 or your science teacher.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

After School Activities

Project Respect is looking for new members.  If you are interested in joining please come to room 228 on Wednesday October 2nd: 2:20 til 3:15 for the first meeting. 

Any students interested in playing Intramural Flag Football after school on Wednesday's and Thursday's can sign up in their Phys. Ed. class or see Coach Splendorio.  Intramurals start on October 9th and run from 2:30 to 3:30 Wednesdays and Thursdays through November 7th.  See sign up form below.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tonight is Western Hills Middle School's Open House

---This night is for parents, homeroom begins at 7:00 p.m.

---Your child should have, or should be giving to you a copy of his/her Tuesday schedule.  That is what we will follow for this evening.  Students completed the schedules during school this week for you, so they should have it written out.  Please make sure that it has the room numbers.  

---Each class will last 10 minutes.  If you have a specific question concerning your child, please contact the teacher directly via email or leaving a message with the front office.  Teachers are not to discuss personal information in an open forum.  

---During homeroom you will receive information on how to log into Aspen, our online grade book program.  We only have the access information for those parents who have never logged in before, this or any other year.  Should you have a question about accessing Aspen, Mr. Vesey will be available in the media center after Open House to assist you.  

---You will also receive information regarding signing up for a PTO membership.  The PTO will be in the foyer until 6:50 and then after the night is over collecting memberships, as well as, selling spirit wear.  


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

onTRAC Planning

Start the school year off on your best foot. Get your planner organized.  Take a look at the onTRAC Planning tips located in the front of your student planner. 

onTRAC stands for Think, Record, Act, Check!  Awesome advice for a successful year.

Think:  A little pre-planning at the beginning of each week will help you see "What is important right now?"

Record:  Use the space in your planner to Record your assignments, tests, projects and deadlines.

Act:  Make sure you use your planner after school.  Block out your homework time and make sure you Act on it.

Check:  Don't forget to look back.  Did you complete the work?  Did you hand it in?  Do you think it may be important on an upcoming test?  Checking helps keep it current in your brain.